
Monday, April 1, 2013

Traded The Gym For A Juicer

A couple of weeks ago I received a letter from my gym stating that I only had a short time to renew because my 2-year membership would be ending. At that time I wondered if I should renew or look for a new gym to join. One afternoon I stopped by LifeTime Fitness to see what a membership would cost. LifeTime is a massively huge and beautiful facility that has everything you could ever want in a gym. During the tour I started to feel very anxious. I don't know if it was the used car salesman I was walking around with or the women working out in full make-up that made my dream gym feel so fake. After the tour, the salesman took me into the little room with no windows to talk about my contract. The panic really started setting in. After he told me it would ONLY cost $71 per month, I respectfully declined the membership and ran out of the gym. 

After that I decided I would just renew my less expensive membership at 24-Hour Fitness and try and go over and work out more than once per month. But after renewing, I just didn't feel like that was the right decision for me either. I didn't use my last membership as much as I should have. Having a two-year-old makes it difficult to go anywhere. I cancelled my membership and decided that I would purchase a Breville Juicer with the money I saved. I also had enough money left over that I could buy Les Mills Body Pump for home. Body Pump was my FAVORITE class at the gym and now I can do the same workout at home. I am so excited! I feel like this was the perfect decision for me at this time. 

Product reviews coming soon.


  1. LifeTime Fitness looks amazing...and filled with people that are plastic. I think you made a good choice.

  2. Good for you! Working out is hard enough, especially if you already feel uncomfortable with where you're doing it! Way to find a solution, instead of letting it derail your goals!
